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Still tweaking a few things on the site... use to be BJVlog. But now it's just JVlog with more pictures and maybe a little less video. But we will see! Stay tuned in and find out how it goes, I know I will! ;-*

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday 9-16


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,I hope you are doing well. Bob, Love the hair cut.

Anonymous said...

I love that you used the word "debacle."

I use it all the time. Such a great word...

Michael H.

ryan a said...

I'm also really sad that we didn't get to catch up while you were in the area. But the next time you guys are up here, let me know, seeing how I won't be at the park next season.

My thoughts on memorials, especially for large things like 9/11 and what happened at Virginia Tech, is that we should have them not to take up space, but to remind people of what happened and teach us how to move on and grow from it. I think that it's important to mark large things - like these sad events. Granted, life does throw things our way and death is the only thing granted to us, but when, in the case of what happened in Virginia, 32 innocent people are shot and more wounded because of the actions of one person, I think we, as reasonable people should take a moment of our time and a few inches of our space and remember those individuals.

Anonymous said...

with that hair and glasses you're doing a great Ed Mehan impression.

Looks great.


Anonymous said...

I laughed at Jason talking about you dialing him,, My dad use to do the same thing to me, I'd answer he's not there, but I hear people in the background, I know one time he was at a baseball game and another at the mall, I have to call my stepmother to tell my dad to hang up the phone, we laugh about it, now he has a flip phone so he can't push buttons...♥Rebecca