Site Under Construction!

Still tweaking a few things on the site... use to be BJVlog. But now it's just JVlog with more pictures and maybe a little less video. But we will see! Stay tuned in and find out how it goes, I know I will! ;-*

Friday, September 05, 2008

What's Up Lifetime?


Pan's Garden said...

great update hope u both are supa!XX

Hockeychic said...

Hey Guys!!

Wow Bob that's exciting that your going to be working on something for the Levy, I was just there last month a friend came into town and that's where I took I can't wait to see what you do and come up with...
If your ever up here and have time for dinner one night just let me know we can meet...just email me
That would be nice to sit and chat over dinner...
Well its so good to see another Vlog take care fellas and have a great weekend.
Love ya,
Amy G

ArEn said...


Anonymous said...

Working at an aquarium? Now you're speaking my language. Did they tell you that those African penguins are also called jackass penguins? Good times. Did you know that killer whales eat penguins? Did you know that bees and dogs smell fear? Did you know that the human head weighs 8 pounds?

Next time I see you remind me to tell you my penguin joke - it's fun (and delightfully inappropriate).

-Michael H.

ryan a said...

Let's start working on this tele-thon.

Rumor has it that Jon, kate, and their 8 are moving to Richmond. Which could be kind of exciting.

Anonymous said... the same sound as in glad...then add arrhhhh (as in tongue out at the doctors) and you have Galah...........or if you are an American.....a rose breasted cockatoo!!! (said with nose in the air and little finger on the right hand curled)..
Hey, I won a "green card lottery" a couple of months back. They have sent me the paperwork but it seemed very long winded but.....perhaps I should fill it out and get the damn green card.
Oh, love GORDON RAMSAY. Have a new episode of Kitchen Nightmares USA screening tonight here in Oz.
Love you both xxKym

Justin said...

She TOTALLY looks like Gina plus like 30 yrs.

Natalie and I have been watching Dexter. It is great if you guys are into psycho stuff.

Anonymous said...

Gueeeessss.....whoooo'ssss BAAAACK!!!!!! Hi guys!!!! I have missed my FAVORITE vloggers!!! How are you?!? I am SOOOOO excited to catch up on all that I have missed!!!

You guys look GREAT!!! It lookis like you have had some editions to your family!! Wahooo!!

Bob!! You and Justin are SOOOOO funny about the Sarah Palin thing!! I have only heard that twice!

I am gathering that you guys might be in to Dexter? Well, Mikey and I LOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!! It took a while to get into it. I didn't believe the chemistry between the characters at first, but it grew on me.

Well, I can't wait to catch up!! I hope you both are doing well!!!

Have a great night!!


Anonymous said...

Ps....the following spelling in the sentence in my post was JACKED!!:

"You guys look GREAT!!! It lookis like you have had some editions to your family!! Wahooo!!"...

Um...EDITIONS??? What am I doing? Not to mention....LOOKIS!! HA!

Well that is what happens kids when you don't use auto spell check...

Ok...Talk to you guys soon!!
