Site Under Construction!

Still tweaking a few things on the site... use to be BJVlog. But now it's just JVlog with more pictures and maybe a little less video. But we will see! Stay tuned in and find out how it goes, I know I will! ;-*

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

10-2 Going out to You!

First Look at Ursula from the Little Mermaid.


Anonymous said...


what happened to the pics that we took at the rehearsal of the club slime?

would love to see them...

michael h

ryan a said...

Ursula looks fierce! If people think that she should be played by a bigger girl - then they should also think that Triton should be a giant white guy - but he's not. I heard they did blind casting for the show - which is why she's ittybitty and Trition is a regular sized black guy - and Flounder is played by a little boy and not a real fish.

I love Halloween because it's my birthday and I can remember trick or treating in my neighborhood when I was younger & I'd get candy and birthday cards from my neighbors. Except for one who dressed like a witch one time and scared me so much that I refused to go to her house while trick or treating until I was 10 years old.
I always decorated our house with Halloween lights and spiderwebs and we'd also get two bails of hay and a few mums and some pumpkins and my brother and I would carve them.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, I agree with you about Blackwater. My sister was in the army for the past 10 years and she is 28, her husband is still in, he is 26. He is special forces with the 82nd airborn. He is very frustrated, and wants to be home with my sister and their 2 babies ages 4 and 2. I hope they can all come home soon. Glad you liked my girl Holly. I will make some more with the kids this weekend.
TTFN, Adell/Albert

Anonymous said...

Hi guys.. You were talking about the contractors for the armed services. Glen works for KBR, he is limited to certain areas on the base he works at. There not aloud to have cameras or cell phones, due to security reasons. He doesn't leave the base unless he transfers to another base, which is good that keeps them more safe.. But he gets all benefits that military have which is real nice when he's home we hit the base for shopping..No taxes...really nice, but I can't buy unless he's there, so that kinda stinks... So I hope that helps you out...I'll check ya tomm..♥Rebecca