Site Under Construction!

Still tweaking a few things on the site... use to be BJVlog. But now it's just JVlog with more pictures and maybe a little less video. But we will see! Stay tuned in and find out how it goes, I know I will! ;-*

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The True Story of the Spring

Here's the link to Marni's Blog about our day to De Leon Springs


MLB said...

It WAS a magical day!!!
I didn't care about the bird crap or the stinky breath!! (or that Auggie pooped his pants and was covered up to his armpits!)

Thanks again for taking us.

Anonymous said...

what was your favorite halloween costume from when you were a kid? matt's was she-ra (princess of power) and mine was the incredible hulk

Anonymous said...

I love that purple boa you had on your head Jason!;) And that gown was just so sparkly;)

Michael, I read your question above. I don't know if it was for everyone, so I will answer..heehee...I never did Halloween, but I sure did LOVE my R2D2, and Wonder Woman Underoos:) Do any of you remember how they came in those packages that looked like you were buying a vinyl album? I haven't thought about this is years! haha!

So, I just watched 2 more episodes of How Clean...with my 2 new favorite British Dames! They taught me today that Borax and Vinegar is 'cheap and cheery'!! And what about the gloves!!!!!! How FAB are the gloves?!?! You both should sooo do them for Halloween!! You would be GREAT!!

I am off to 'bedazzle' my kitchen cleaning gloves. Have a wonderful evening!!


Anonymous said...


I've been watching your movies. Some I hadn't seen before. sitting here with a smile on my face.

A real pleasure time...

love, carole