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Still tweaking a few things on the site... use to be BJVlog. But now it's just JVlog with more pictures and maybe a little less video. But we will see! Stay tuned in and find out how it goes, I know I will! ;-*

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday 5-16


ryan a said...

whenever you say "how are you" i think of french & saunders, when they do accents and their automatic "accent phrase" is "how ARE you" and it's the funniest thing in the world.

you guys should get married in cali. i'll be there july 8th - 11th. it'd be great if you could do it while i'm there.

i was angry with david a when he messed up the beatles. and every other song he sang. what the heck was that about?!

Anonymous said...

Be careful with Beckham outside, I took Cooper out and his wings were clipped but the sun and air just made him take off and he ended up in the next yard almost two doors down. He is a cutie!!

Paula has JACK in her COKE!!

Pete used to be a bouncer at a strip joint, does that count?

Justin said...

I don't think you had the vlog then, but what do you guys think of Howard Stern's whole Sanjaya movement. Maybe I am a jerk, but I think the show has run it's course and now I want the people to start to mess with it and vote in the worst singer.

If you haven't had Thai food yet Natalie and I love it. I recommend Pad Thai, Pineapple fried rice, and a Thai Iced Tea.

Justin said...

Holy Crap I can't believe I didn't comment on the California same sex marriage thing. I am so stoked.

I really hope that this sticks. I tried talking about this in my stand up but it got too soap boxy.

I think it is soooo stupid that this is an issue. I feel like as a people we learn nothing. Anybody remember about oh 40 yrs ago when we treated black people like they were different from "us"?

This is just another thing that in about, i hope less but, 20 yrs we will look back at our parents and think how dumb they were.

I wonder if my son will have friends with grandparents that will still use words like fag or queer like my grandparents say negro or colored.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys How are ya?? Just doing some catching up..Getting ready for Glen to come home he will be here next Thurs. Yeah!! Then leaving the next day for Tallahassee for our oldest son graduation(we never thought he would make it)...Thank you for the Birthday wish that was soooo sweet.I love the garden it looks fabulous..And the new members of your family, it is so funny because we have owned a love bird that was handicap named Nemo and we had a cockatail named Buddy many years ago. They are great birds and love attention ours liked to eat cookie dough ice cream that was his favorite. Were actually talking about getting another one.Well you both take care and I'll check back in with ya soon.♥Rebecca

Anonymous said...

This vlog had some very sweet moments:)

Ps....You guys are not boring bird, and cat people. You are quite entertaining:) Mikey even leaves his video games to chuckle at some of your vlogs:)

Have a good night guys:)

Night Beckham!!!


taboot said...

DUDE. If you guys get married, give me some notice so i can make sure and get there. Love you both. So much, and miss you both, even more.... <3 montie