Site Under Construction!

Still tweaking a few things on the site... use to be BJVlog. But now it's just JVlog with more pictures and maybe a little less video. But we will see! Stay tuned in and find out how it goes, I know I will! ;-*

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Chinese Food 7-18


Anonymous said...

The picture behind you makes it look like you have a big horn on your head...! (Dave pointed it out)


Ry Guy said...

LOL Bob you know I love you and i dont really care how you say 2007. But i think we should all say twenty O'seven. It will be easier when its time to switch in 2010 (twenty-ten) to just say twenty-ten. LOL BTW it was me that left that comment. Hopefuly we find out the true anwser.

Ry Guy

Anonymous said...

We should all say it like Jethro: 2 double knot seven!

Thanks for the tip about the movie. There is also a book called "And Tango Makes Three" about two male penguins who adopt a baby penguin in the Central Park Zoo. (true story) I think that every child should have an opportunity to have parents and family who love them regardless of the make up of the family! As in everything else, people should be judged on their individual merits not their race, gender, orientation, etc.

Lisa H.

Anonymous said...

It should be twenty oh seven - or twenty Oght seven... but it won't be till the year 2020 that we start using the twenty like we have been for the last 1,000 years.


Anonymous said...

Highly entertaining as always!

Awww, and you wore a black feather boa for me! :-) So the old one is missing, then? Remember it? The last time I saw it, you brought it to Pleasure Island with us when you were living in the condo over on Sand Lake. Those were such fun times!