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Still tweaking a few things on the site... use to be BJVlog. But now it's just JVlog with more pictures and maybe a little less video. But we will see! Stay tuned in and find out how it goes, I know I will! ;-*

Monday, July 02, 2007

Monday Rant 7-2


Jaz.on said...

correction - Camp Puh'tok - not tuk

ryan a said...

i LOVE bob's political rants.

i also like jason's "dick cheny is a scary man" comment - mainly because it's true.

the music from queer as folk is the most amazing music EVER.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bob,

You know I agree with your rant!!

As citizens of this country, and the world - we get what we deserve, and we deserve what we get. Sadly, we put this man in office - twice!!!

Democracy is a fragile, and tenuous form of government. You're right; John Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson worked too hard for us to allow this to go on.

I could go on... How did Hitler come to power. How did good and honorable men look the other way. When did dissent and disagreement become unpatriotic? I am sick about this. Bob, I didn't know that happened ( Libby ) until you announced it on your blog. "That ain't right."

By the way my grandson is a hoot!! They inner-tubed down the Patapsco River one day, the water level was low, so they got to the exit point late - it was dark, so the counselors called the fire department nearby to come and light the way back to camp. The camp called all the parents to explain. No drama.


Jas, I LOVE your outfits, todays dress was especially becoming, and I wish you would sing that whole song about "If I were a man" for us.

I play your picture stories over and over - I just so enjoy them. Will you marry me? Oops, you are already taken. Oh well. My loss, Bob's gain.

Anonymous said...

I think Jason stole that dress out of my closet before we both left home. LOL!!! I don't think it would fit me anymore anyway.
I vote Bobby B for president!!!
Jason could be vice president and you guys could change it to The Pink House!!!!

Anonymous said...

While you are ranting, will you be sure to mention the fact that the fascist so-called "Patriot act" has taken away my freedom to buy as much sudafed as I need for me and my children!!!!! It is easier to buy them cigarettes than to buy them cold medicine!
