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Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday People 7-23


Anonymous said...

Hi guys! I'm proud to say that I'm now in training for a half marathon and I wear my black and falling off toenails as a badge of honor. As a Baltimore girl I am not impressed with John Travolta's accent. My happy childhood mall memories are too numerous to list here, most involve Bob's niece Lisa. We were fooling around on the escalator and out of nowhere comes the old lady department store Nazi in sensible shoes and takes us by each elbow and escorts us to the exit."Straight out the door girls!"
Harry Potter....OMG! My entire family has gone into hiding. My daughter and I sat on the stoop waiting for our two copies to be delivered. We snatched them from the quivering postal worker and ran to our seperate rooms. Sequestered for two days afraid of tv, radio, blabbing mouthes that may give away the much anticipated finale, we read into the night and all day. I'm weeping because the series is over and I feel that I've just said goodbye to my nearest and dearest friends. sob, sob, sob. Now my husband and my son get to read the book. You can tell who rates in this family, eh?
Love ya,

MLB said...

B&J- Have you seen the episode of That Girl where Marlo Thomas goes to the automat for lunch? She forgets her money and ends up making soup out of ketchup and hot water...

PS Who is Harry Potter?

ryan a said...

About Hairspray:
I read an interview that he did and he said he didn't want to make Edna a joke (he says that in the show, it's always a guy in drag - which i totally disagree with). He said he wanted to make Edna a "real woman" which sort of made me want to stab him. Manymanymany times.

Zicam works wonders for when you're feeling sick. CHECK IT OUT!

Anonymous said...

My toenail polish is called Broadway Curtain (true bright red).
How many people got the Anastacia Beaverhowsen reference? LOL!!!
I don't remember the lost in the mall incident but I remember you used to hide in the racks and scare other children. I also remember later on that Jason and I used to speak to each other in jibber-jabber while looking in the toy section and people would look at use like they were trying to figure out what language it was we were speaking. Very funny.
Our mother dropped us as children, what can I say!!!