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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thursday 7-5


ryan a said...

Jefferson was a diest. His version of "God" was a clockmaker (as my history professor describbed it) who created and then sat back and watched. It was pretty interesting.

I really do love the potical rants.

& drag.

THEKevinMiller said...

Love this post.

I'd like to defend the Electoral College. While I don't believe it should allow a president to be back doored in, i DO believe it's a very good system. More now than ever.

I do not understand politics. I never will. I want desperately to be involved with my government and feel a responsibility to vote on every issue and every position on the ballot. However, laws are written in another language and I fear now matter how hard I educate myself I'll still vote for something I didn't want.

I WISH I could vote for someone to represent me. Someone who thinks like me and shares my values who's job it would be to weigh the issues and vote according to how he or she knew I would want him or her to vote.

Unfortunately, this is NOT our current EC. We're merely voting for a group of people to vote for their party. IF the EC worked the way it was supposed to the EC would reflect the popular vote and presidents wouldn't be won by some strange scoring system that makes even college football rankings look fair.

(I may have lost you on that one, but believe me it was a good reference).

Thanks for stirring the thinking pot.


Anonymous said...

A family of three tomatoes were walking downtown one day when the little baby tomato started lagging behind. The big father tomato walks back to the baby tomato, stomps on her, squashing her into a red paste, and says, "Ketchup!"

I'm catching up, I'm catching up... less than a week behind... I should be back on the beam soon.

Regardless, some quick comments on what I've heard so far...

Simple Salmon on the grill is REALLY simple. Any salmon really is super easy. You just grill it skin side down for 6-10 minutes. Then use your spatula to take the fish off and leave the skin behind. So delicious and really insanely easy.

The Darla Boogaire makeup kit needs to go to a better place. Those noses were scary 10 years ago... I can't imagine what the garage might have done to them.

And I am a newcomer to the world of Weeds and I'm loving it. Eric has the Showtime on demand and I've been catching up at his place when I can. I'm not even thru the first season, but it really is a great show. On a recent episode I watched the main character was complaining that something wasn't fair and her dealer said, "Honey, where I come from, fair (fare) is what you pay to ride the bus."

Love it!

Miss you guys. Talk soon. -Jenn (not Jennifer)